[Workrave-user] duplicated system tray applet
Abdorhman Ayman
2016-12-10 14:07:47 UTC
Hi everyone,
on all of the Gnu/Linux distros that I've tried, Workrave is showing
duplicated icons on system tray, which I didn't experience on Windows XP,
why is that?

micro-breaks detects any key strike and any double-clicks and considers
them as signs that indicates that a user is not taking his/her break, and
so the break timer is paused, it stops counting the passing time because
you're not taking your break, right? will, I think this should happen when
single-clicking too.

Kees-Jan Dijkzeul
2017-02-10 14:11:12 UTC
Post by Abdorhman Ayman
Hi everyone,
on all of the Gnu/Linux distros that I've tried, Workrave is showing
duplicated icons on system tray, which I didn't experience on Windows
XP, why is that?
Most likely, the second sheep icon is an indication that communication
between workrave and the embedded panel applet is not working as it should.

For me (Ubuntu 14.04), the applet is working. Hence I have only one
sheep visible, and the applet ;-)
Post by Abdorhman Ayman
micro-breaks detects any key strike and any double-clicks and
considers them as signs that indicates that a user is not taking
his/her break, and so the break timer is paused, it stops counting the
passing time because you're not taking your break, right? will, I
think this should happen when single-clicking too.
Whe we originally designed workrave, we wanted to be able to deactivate
the screensaver, without stopping the (natural) break timer. The idea
was that we could take a quick peek, to see if a build we were running
at the time, was finished.

I'm not sure that requirement still exists. The "Natural break" window
serves a similar purpose. Still, I think it is not too big a deal.
Especially since it is worse than you discribe: If you double-click
quickly enough (within 1 second), you are also considered not active. On
the other hand: if you single click twice in 5 seconds, then you are
considered active.

I think the overall reasoning at the time was: If the office cleaning
lady accidentally pushes your mouse, that should not interrupt your
break ;-)

Hope this explains some of the reasoning


